Thursday, April 26, 2007

The school year is almost over and its only going to get worse!!

Yesterday was a crazy day at school. I think the warm weather is making the kids nut. There was almost a fight in gym. The gym teacher broke it up the kids were sent to the VP and they were suspended. The only problem is the suspention starts the next day, so they went back to class. Later that afternoon there was a fire drill, so now there are 600 kids in a football field. To me it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what is going to happen next. Of course the one kids finds the other and makes a bee line to him. Well, I saw what was going to happenen and I saw a teacher put her arms around the one kid, so I figured everything was ok and went the other way with my kids. But it wasn't the kid took off after the other and sucker punched him from behind. Now, both of these kids are about 250 lbs each, probably the biggest boys in the school. The teacher I work with and the gym teacher, both females, both about 150 lbs try to break them up. The teacher I work with was covered in blood, needless to say they couldn't break them up. Finally security comes to help. I told her she should have never gotten in the middle of them. My students told me they saw her get punched in the head a couple of times and were worried because she doesn't remember getting punched. She said what was I suppose to do they were beating the crap out of each other. I don't know what I would have done if I were there. I don't know if I would have tried, our job is to yell "stop" "break it up" and techinally that is it. If I knew I could break it up, I would. But with 2 boys both twice my size I don't know if I would have. I told my students I love them and would protect them the best I could, but my kids need me more. I guess it depends on the situation. I just think both of those teachers were crazy to try. I wished I saw it though, it sounded kind of funny now that it is over, the one teacher was on one kids back and the other had his shirt and was tring to drag him to the ground until his shirt ripped. You got to love 8th grade.


Anonymous said...

What a crazy day you had girl! Glad you weren't in the middle of it:-)

Lauren said...

OMG--that's horrible! Now, don't you be getting yourself involved in these school fights. You're a TEACHER, not a security guard. I don't want to hear that you got punched because you were trying to break up some wild kids, got it?

Anonymous said...

This brought back memories for me! HAHA..... Sounds like something that went on when I was in school.
I'm glad it wasn't YOU in the middle of it! Those poor teachers...